Technology / Radar / K-Band: Police traffic radar has been assigned specific frequencies by federal communication commission (fcc). These frequencies are designated by the letters -s, x, k and ka and are referred to as bands. Older radar guns used s-band frequency, but this frequency is no longer in use. Ka band is the newest frequency used in police radars. Ka band is a wide band which allows police radar guns to operate on a multitude of frequencies. Ka-band: (frequency 33.4 -36.0 ghz: wavelength .344 inches)
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Technology / Radar / Pulse Radar: A pulse radar transmits a sequence of short pulses of rf energy, and estimates range to the target by measuring the time delay in returned pulses. MORE
Technology / Radar / Moving Radar: Is radar that clocks vehicles while the patrol vehicle is moving. Typically, the targets are those approaching in the opposite lane of traffic but, depending on the radar model, can sometimes be used MORE
Technology / Radar / Same Lane Radar: Uses dual antenna moving radar to clock vehicles ahead or behind a rolling cruiser. Example: decatur genesis i moving police radar w/ dual k-band antenna. MORE