Science / Astrology / Directions: A term synonymous with progression. See Progressions.
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Directions Noun Synonyms: instruction(s), information, bearing, road, way, route, avenue, course
Science / Astrology / Secondary Progressions, Secondary Directions: The method of progressing a natal horoscope in which each day after birth is equated to a corresponding number of years after birth; commonly referred to as 'day for a year' progressions. MORE
Science / Astrology / Primary Directions: Originally, a mathematically complicated system of progressing a horoscope based upon the diurnal rotation of the Earth. The term is now loosely applied to any method of advancing house cusps, but usu MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Polarization: Light said to travel in a a wave motion along a straight path, vibrating in all directions. Polarization can be brought about with a polarizing filter which causes light to vibrate in a single plane o MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Tank Bag: A piece of luggage that mounts on top of the gas tank of a bike. Sometimes contains a clear plastic top where route directions can be viewed by the rider without stopping. MORE
Technology / Radar / Selectable Direction Tracking: This mode of radar operation allows the operator to monitor targets that are only going toward the patrol vehicle, away from it, or in both directions. Example: decatur gvp-d police radar gun w/ k-ban MORE