Age Of Aquarius

Science / Astrology / Age Of Aquarius: The Great Year that begins around the turn of the twenty-first century and lasts for two thousand years. Universal developments of an Aquarian nature are expected to take place during this era.
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Other Words for Age

Age Verb Synonyms: grow old(er), mature, ripen
Age Noun Synonyms: lifetime, duration, length of existence, life-span

Aquarian Age

Science / Astrology / Aquarian Age: A time period of 2000 years where the influence of Aquarius is prominent. An age lasts for 2000 years and moves backward through the Zodiac. The Age of Aquarius starts at approximately the new millenn MORE

Out-Of-Network Provider

Health / Dentistry / Out-Of-Network Provider: Any health care provider that does not belong to a CIGNA network. Members can use their benefits for out-of-network expenses, but miss out on in-network discounts. MORE

Out-Of-Plan (Out-Of-Network)

Health / Health Insurance / Out-Of-Plan (Out-Of-Network): This phrase usually refers to physicians, hospitals or other health care providers who are considered nonparticipants in an insurance plan (usually an HMO or PPO). Depending on an individual's health MORE

Out-of-Home Care

Lifestyle / Adoption / Out-of-Home Care: Child care, foster care or residential care provided by persons, organizations and institutions to children who are placed outside their families, usually under the jurisdiction of juvenile or family MORE


Health / Dentistry / Out-Of-Pocket: Copayments, deductibles or fees paid by participants for health services or prescriptions. MORE

Out-Of-Favor Industry Or Stock

Business / Finance / Out-Of-Favor Industry Or Stock: An unpopular industry or stock that usually has a low price-earnings ratio. MORE