Science / Astrology / Aquarian Age: A time period of 2000 years where the influence of Aquarius is prominent. An age lasts for 2000 years and moves backward through the Zodiac. The Age of Aquarius starts at approximately the new millennium.
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Age Verb Synonyms: grow old(er), mature, ripen
Age Noun Synonyms: lifetime, duration, length of existence, life-span
Science / Astrology / Astrological Age: A period of about 2,150 years, or one-twelfth of the Great Year of approximately 25,800 years. It represents the time required for the vernal equinox to retrograde through the thirty-degree arc of one MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Mr. (Or Mrs.) Average: Facetious name for a bowler who doesn't show up, since his or her average is often used to compute team scoring. See also blind. MORE
Business / Accounting / Moving Average: A way of smoothing out (i.e. removing the highs and lows) of a series of figures (usually shown as a graph). If you have, say, 12 months of sales figures and you decide on a moving average period of 3 MORE
Business / Real Estate / Multiclass Mortgage Securities: Short- and long-term mortgage securities, with or without pass-through privileges. MORE