Lifestyle / Travel / Lowest Fare Guarantee: Travel agency?€™s promise to provide clients the lowest fare available when reservation is confirmed.
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Fare Noun Synonyms: do, make one's way, manage, get on or along, make out, survive
Fare Adjective Synonyms: passenger, traveler
Guarantee Adjective Synonyms: guaranty, warranty, assurance, pledge, bond, obligation, promise, word (of honor), oath, undertaking
Lifestyle / Travel / Lowest Fare: The lowest published airfare between two cities; may not have seats available at that fare, as the airlines usually have a limited number of those seats on any given flight. MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Lowest Available Fare: The lowest available fare at the time of purchase, this fare is subject to change without notice to the customer. MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Lowest Fare Guarantee: Travel agency?€™s promise to provide clients the lowest fare available when reservation is confirmed. MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Lowest Logical Airfare: Lowest airfare found within the parameters of a corporation?€™s travel policy. MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Meeting Fare: Negotiated airline discounts, typically for 10 or more persons traveling to the same event. MORE
Health / Disease / Lowest-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level (LOAEL): The lowest tested dose of a substance that has been reported to cause harmful (adverse) health effects in people or animals. MORE