Lifestyle / Holiday / State Holiday: St. Stephen's Day honors the first Christian martyr, stoned to death shortly after the Crucifixion. St. Stephen's Day is a national holiday in Ireland, but the celebrations have little connection to the Saint. In Ireland, St. Stephen's Day is the day for Hunting the Wren or Going on the Wren. Celebrated on December 26.
Search Google for State Holiday:
Holiday Noun Synonyms: time off, break, recess, respite, leave (of absence), furlough, sabbatical, vacation
Holiday Verb Synonyms: festival, feast, celebration, fĂȘte or fete, gala, fair, red-letter day, event
State Noun Synonyms: governmental, government, national, federal
State Adjective Synonyms: condition(s), circumstance(s), situation, state of affairs, status, shape, position
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