Degree Requirements

Lifestyle / College / Degree Requirements: Those requirements prescribed by institutions for completion of a program of study are generally termed degree requirements. Requirements may include a minimum number of hours, required GPA, prerequisite and elective courses within the specified major and/or minor areas of study.
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Other Words for Degree

Degree Adjective Synonyms: grade, level, stage, class, caste, rank, order, scale, standing, status, station, position, situation, estate, condition
Degree Noun Synonyms: measure, magnitude, extent, limit, point, lengths, step

Listing Requirements

Business / Finance / Listing Requirements: Requirements, including minimum shares outstanding, market value, and income, that are laid down by an exchange for any stock to be listed for trading. MORE

Masculine Degrees

Science / Astrology / Masculine Degrees: Degrees that foster masculine attributes in both males and females when occupied by the Ascendant or chart ruler. H.L. Cornell, M.D., specifies the following as masculine degrees; 8?°, 15?° and 30?� MORE

Masters Degree

Lifestyle / College / Masters Degree: A degree granted upon completion of a second level college or university degree program (after a bachelor's degree). MORE

Lame Degrees

Science / Astrology / Lame Degrees: See mutilated degrees. MORE

Joint Degree

Lifestyle / College / Joint Degree: Pursuit of two degrees (e.g., business and law) at the same time; students achieving joint degrees frequently benefit from special programs enabling a shortened period of study. MORE

Estimated Average Requirements (EAR)

Health / Vitamins / Estimated Average Requirements (EAR): The nutrient intake value that is estimated to reach the requirements in 50 per cent of people in a specific group, usually defined by age and sex. MORE