
Lifestyle / Adoption / Orphan: Child from another country that has no parents or only one parent that cannot care for them.
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Orphan (international adoption definition)

Lifestyle / Adoption / Orphan (international adoption definition): For immigration purposes, a child under the age of 16: ?€? whose parents have died or disappeared ?€? who has been abandoned or otherwise separated from both parents ?€? whose sole surviving par MORE


Lifestyle / Adoption / Orphanage: Institution that houses children who are orphaned, abandoned or whose parents are unable to care for them. Orphanages are rarely used in the United States, although they are more frequently used abroa MORE

Orphan Stock

Business / Finance / Orphan Stock: A stock that is ignored by research analysts and as a result may be trading at low price earnings ratios. MORE

Widow-And-Orphan Stock

Business / Finance / Widow-And-Orphan Stock: Abnormally wide spread between the bid and asked prices of a security at the opening of a trading session. MORE


Business / Taxes / Intestate: A person who dies without a will is said to have died intestate. In this case, the probate court in the person?€™s home state ?€” sometimes known as surrogate?€™s court or orphan?€™s c MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Widow: In printing, a widow is a single short line ending a paragraph but separated from the earlier lines in that paragraph by a page break, thus appearing by itself at the top of the next page or column. W MORE