One Light Healing Touch

Health / Massage / One Light Healing Touch: One Light Healing Touch focuses on clearing blockages and rebalancing the human energy field by using spiritual and energetic hands-on healing practices and techniques. The application of these healing art forms facilitates and increases our ambient energetic vibrations and awareness, strengthening the immune system and opening the client to her indwelling god or higher self. As the higher self awareness becomes activated, an evolutionary healing journey begins, moving the client through clarity of understanding, health, spiritual autonomy, and ultimately, culminating in the fulfillment of her purpose of being: to heal herself and other human beings and to find her place within the world.
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Other Words for Light

Light Adjective Synonyms: ignite, set alight, set or put a match to, kindle, burn, touch off, set fire to, fire
Light Verb Synonyms: turn on, switch on, put on
Light Noun Synonyms: illumination, brightness, daylight, lamplight, candlelight, firelight, gaslight, torchlight, starlight, moonlight, sunlight, gegenschein, counterglow

Other Words for One

One Noun Synonyms: unified, united, inseparable, joined, undivided, one and the same, identical, equal, at one, harmonious, in unison, whole, entire, complete
One Adjective Synonyms: single, lone, solitary, individual, sole, only

Other Words for Touch

Touch Adverb Synonyms: lay a hand or finger on, meddle with, have to do with, interfere with, come near, approach
Touch Verb Synonyms: drink, eat, consume, partake of, take, taste, have to do with
Touch Noun Synonyms: bring into contact with, apply, put, set
Touch Adjective Synonyms: put (one's) hand on, feel, handle

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