Light Adjective Synonyms
dainty, graceful, delicate, gentle, slight
He felt the light brush of her lips on his.
alight, land, come or go down, descend, settle, deplane, disembark or debark, detrain, dismount
The bird was so tame it lighted on my finger.
easy, not burdensome, endurable, bearable, tolerable, supportable, undemanding, effortless, untaxing, moderate
After my surgery, I was able to resume light duties at the office. The tax on such a small income is very light. You should take some light exercise every day.
not weighty, frivolous, unimportant, insignificant, inconsequential, inconsiderable, trivial, trifling, evanescent, unsubstantial, slight, superficial
The party was a very light affair.
illuminate, light up, lighten, brighten
Take this candle to light your way to the bedroom.
nimble, agile, active, swift, spry, lithe, sprightly, lightsome, light-footed, limber, lissom or lissome
When dancing, he may be light on his feet, but he's not very light on mine.
ignite, set alight, set or put a match to, kindle, burn, touch off, set fire to, fire
It's getting chilly, so you'd better light the fire. When the bomb was in place, they lit the fuse.
amusing, entertaining, witty, diverting
The book hasn't much substance, but it makes good light reading.
faint, gentle, mild, slight, delicate, insignificant
A light breeze rippled the surface of the pool.
simple-minded, light-headed, scatterbrained, rattle-brained, bird-brained, feather-brained, hare-brained, flighty, giddy, dizzy, silly, inane, foolish, frivolous, empty-headed, vacant, vacuous, shallow, superficial
Featherstone is a bit too light in the head to be a good manager.
cheerful, happy, gay, sunny, merry, light-hearted, happy-go-lucky, easygoing, joyful, jovial, jolly
No‰l has written another light drawing-room comedy.
Light Noun Synonyms
pale, light-hued
Put the light blue chair over here.
daybreak, dawn, sunrise, sun-up
We leave at first light.
lamp, light-bulb, torch, beacon, lantern, candle, flare, headlight or headlamp, street-light or street lamp, flashlight
I saw a light in the distance. Someone turned off the lights.
illumination, brightness, daylight, lamplight, candlelight, firelight, gaslight, torchlight, starlight, moonlight, sunlight, gegenschein, counterglow
There is just enough light for me to read the label.
(well-)illuminated, bright, alight, (well-)lit, (well-)lighted, shining, luminous, effulgent, brilliant, beaming, incandescent, phosphorescent, fluorescent
The lightest room in the house is the kitchen.
clarification, enlightenment, insight, understanding, elucidation, simplification, explanation
After an hour's talk with his lawyer, he finally saw the light and confessed. Can you shed a little light on this problem, Robyn.
match, lighter, spill, taper, fire, flame, ignition
Can you give me a light for my cigarette.
radiance, radiation, luminescence, glare, gleam, glow, reflection, luminosity, shine, sparkle, scintillation, incandescence, phosphorescence, fluorescence
The light of the full moon shone through the window.
Light Verb Synonyms
underweight, skinny, slight
Isn't Ted a bit light for his height.
lightweight, portable
I bought some light garden furniture.
turn on, switch on, put on
Light the lamps.
Search Google for Light:
Nimble / Easy / Active / Match / Shine / Daylight / Descend / Portable / Dawn / Silly / Fire
Entertainment / Photography / Broad Lighting: Portrait lighting in which the main light source illuminates the side of the face closes to the camera. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Visible Light: Visible light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between 400 and 750 nm. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Lightbox: Box of fluorescent tubes balanced for white light and covered with translucent glass or plastic. Used for viewing, registering or correcting film negatives and positives. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Lighting Color: Light may be 'colored' by placing a filter or gelatin in front of a light source. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Low-Key Lighting: A lighting style wherein the key light is so much more intense than the fill light that there is a high contrast between bright and dark areas. The bright areas are especially bright and the dark area MORE
Science / Chemistry / Ultraviolet Light: Electromagnetic radiation with wavelength longer than that of x-rays but shorter than that of visible light. Ultraviolet light can break some chemical bonds and cause cell damage. MORE