Health / Massage / Muscle Energy Technique: Muscle energy is a direct, noninvasive manual therapy used to normalize joint dysfunction and increase range of motion. The practitioner evaluates the primary areas of dysfunction in order to place the affected joints in precise positions that enable the client to perform gentle isometric contractions. These directed movements help correct neuromuscular and joint difficulties.
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Energy Verb Synonyms: vitality, forcefulness, vivacity, liveliness, vigor, animation, spirit, force, dynamism, drive, verve, dash, intensity, power, determination, puissance, strength, might, pep, vim and vigor, stick-to-it-iveness, get-up-and-go, zip, zing
Technique Verb Synonyms: technic, method, approach, manner, mode, fashion, style, procedure, system, tack, line, modus operandi, standard operating procedure, MO (= 'modus operandi'), SOP (= 'standard operating procedure')
Health / Massage / Onsen Technique: Onsen is a Japanese word meaning at rest or at peace. It is a state of mind, but can also be a state of body. Developer Richard Phaigh translated it to mean balance, particularly length and strength b MORE
Health / Fitness / Muscle Tone: Condition in which muscle is in a constant yet slight state of contraction and appears firm. MORE
Health / Massage / Muscle Testing: Muscle testing involves finding a muscle that is unbalanced and then attempting to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly. Treatments may involve specific joint manipulation or mobiliza MORE