Health / Massage / Movement Therapy: A variety of techniques that utilize movement reeducation and proper body mechanics in combination with massage or soft-tissue manipulation. After observing the client, the therapist will determine which corrective measures are necessary to accomplish specific goals. Active client participation is important while the practitioner uses verbal instruction, hypnosis and imagery, deep muscle and connective tissue manipulation, and mobilization in the movement reeducation process. Registered practitioners may include graduates of the Feldenkrais Method, the Alexander Technique, and other movement-based disciplines.
Search Google for Movement Therapy:
Movement Noun Synonyms: repositioning, move, motion, relocation, moving, migration, shift, transfer, flow, displacement
Therapy Verb Synonyms: psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, analysis, group therapy
Therapy Noun Synonyms: remedy, treatment, remedial programme, cure
Health / Massage / Polarity Therapy: Polarity therapy is based on universal principles of energy--attraction, repulsion, and neutrality. The interrelation of these principles forms the basis for every aspect of life, including our experi MORE
Health / Massage / Phytotherapy: This technique utilizes massage, mud packs, wraps, baths, water, and steam therapies, and/or inhalation treatments using natural herbs and floral extracts, plant oils, and seaweeds. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Physical Therapy: Rehabilitation concerned with restoration of function and prevention of physical disability following disease, injury or loss of body part. MORE