Entertainment / Video Games / Requirements: A term used in engineering projects to set forth criteria that a project must satisfy. Also applies to the game biz, but the game biz is an entertainment industry, not precisely an engineering discipline. Accordingly, requirements can be more difficult to determine for a game project.
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Business / Construction / Bidding Requirements: The procedures and conditions for the submission of bids. The requirements are included ion documents, such as the notice to bidders, advertisements for bids, instructions to bidders, invitations to b MORE
Health / Vitamins / Estimated Average Requirements (EAR): The nutrient intake value that is estimated to reach the requirements in 50 per cent of people in a specific group, usually defined by age and sex. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Underwriting Requirements: Requirements, sometimes relating to group characteristics or financing measures, that MCOs at times impose in order to provide healthcare coverage to a given group and which are designed to balance a MORE
Lifestyle / College / Degree Requirements: Those requirements prescribed by institutions for completion of a program of study are generally termed degree requirements. Requirements may include a minimum number of hours, required GPA, prerequis MORE
Business / Finance / Listing Requirements: Requirements, including minimum shares outstanding, market value, and income, that are laid down by an exchange for any stock to be listed for trading. MORE
Business / Finance / Assets Requirements: A common element of a financial plan that describes projected capital spending and the proposed uses of net working capital. MORE