Game Design

Entertainment / Video Games / Game Design: At the risk of attracting controversy again, here goes. Game design is 'the act of defining a game in detail.' Game Design is not 'programming,' and it isn't 'graphic design.' It's mostly ideation and writing. Game design is about more than simply writing a GDD, just as architecture is about more than simply creating a blueprint.
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Other Words for Design

Design Adjective Synonyms: plan, draw up, think of, conceive of, contemplate, devise, lay out, visualize, envisage, envision, sketch (out), pattern, set up
Design Verb Synonyms: plan, sketch (out), delineate, outline, draft, work or map or block out, lay out, devise, invent, contrive, create, conceive, originate, think up, develop, organize, frame, shape, mould, forge, make, construct, form, fashion
Design Noun Synonyms: form, shape, configuration, pattern, style, motif, format, layout, make-up, delineation, arrangement, organization, composition, structure, construction

Other Words for Game

Game Noun Synonyms: amusement, pastime, diversion, distraction, recreation, play, sport
Game Adjective Synonyms: gamble

Game Designer

Entertainment / Video Games / Game Designer: A person who engages in game design. A person who defines games in detail, or who defines the details of a game. Not necessarily a programmer. Not necessarily an artist. Someone who communicates well MORE

Design Director

Entertainment / Video Games / Design Director: Job title that may be used in some game companies to refer to a game designer who has risen to a high level of authority and responsibility. Analogous or possibly even equivalent to 'creative director MORE

Job Redesign

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Redesign: The process of restructuring a job by adding, changing or eliminating certain tasks or functions in order to make the job more satisfying or challenging. MORE