Debug Station

Entertainment / Video Games / Debug Station: May be used to refer to one of two different kinds of hardware. A 'debugger' is a machine formerly used specifically for the purpose of 'trapping' (identifying) the source of a bug. These days, 'debug station' is used in reference to a game console that can be used to play a game that has not yet been encrypted or authorized for release by the console manufacturer.
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Other Words for Station

Station Noun Synonyms: position, place, status, rank, caste, standing, class, level
Station Adjective Synonyms: place, position, spot, post, site, location

Station Elevation

Science / Weather / Station Elevation: The vertical distance above mean sea level that is the reference level for all current measurements of atmospheric pressure at that station. MORE

Station Pressure

Science / Weather / Station Pressure: The atmospheric pressure with respect to the station elevation. MORE

Stationary Bike

Health / Fitness / Stationary Bike: A cardiovascular machine that comes in two styles upright bikes and recumbent bikes. MORE