Pan And Tilt Head

Entertainment / Photography / Pan And Tilt Head: Tripod head allowing the camera to be tilted up and down or turned through a 360?° arc.
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Other Words for Head

Head Adjective Synonyms: skull, pate, cranium, dome, coco(nut), belfry, noggin, bean, nut, rocker, noodle, gourd, conk, crumpet, noddle, loaf
Head Noun Synonyms: front, vanguard, forefront, van, fore-part

Other Words for Pan

Pan Verb Synonyms: saucepan, frying-pan, skillet, pot, casserole, spider
Pan Noun Synonyms: face, visage, mien, facade, kisser, mug, puss

Other Words for Tilt

Tilt Verb Synonyms: lean, slant, incline, slope, angle, tip, heel, list, pitch, cant, inclination
Tilt Noun Synonyms: joust, tourney, tournament, meeting, tilting, engagement, encounter, match, contest, test, trial, fight, combat, dispute, argument, difference, quarrel, altercation, squabble, tiff, spat, set-to
Tilt Adverb Synonyms: lean, slant, incline, slope, angle, tip, heel over, pitch, list, cant


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