Entertainment / Photography / Carbon Process: Contact printing process, introduced in 1866, using tissue coated with pigmented gelatin. The paper was sensitized in potassium bichromate and contact printed behind a negative in sunlight.
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Process Noun Synonyms: procedure, proceeding, operation, system, method, approach, technique, course of action
Business / Finance / Price Discovery Process: The process of determining the prices of assets in the marketplace through the interactions of buyers and sellers. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Potassium Carbonate: Highly soluble alkaline accelerator used in most general purpose and print developing solutions. MORE
Business / Taxes / Post-Trade Processing: Each securities transaction goes through post-trade processing during which the details of the trade are compared, cleared, and settled. This involves matching the details of the buy order with those MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Pigment Processes: Making a positive print by using the property of bichromated colloids by changing their physical characteristics with exposed light. Gum bichromate is a pigmented process. MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Primary Process: In psychoanalytic theory, the generally unorganized mental activity characteristic of the unconscious. This activity is marked by the free discharge of energy and excitation without regard to the dema MORE