Post-Trade Processing

Business / Taxes / Post-Trade Processing: Each securities transaction goes through post-trade processing during which the details of the trade are compared, cleared, and settled. This involves matching the details of the buy order with those of the sell order, changing the records of ownership, and finalizing the payment.
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Processing Fee

Business / Loan / Processing Fee: A fee charged by lenders or brokers to prepare a complete loan application file. A processing fee may be charged to the borrower and shown on the Settlement Statement (HUD-1). MORE


Entertainment / Photography / Processing: Sequence of steps whereby a latent photographic image is converted into a visible, permanent image. MORE

Post-Trade Processing

Business / Taxes / Post-Trade Processing: Each securities transaction goes through post-trade processing during which the details of the trade are compared, cleared, and settled. This involves matching the details of the buy order with those MORE

Push Processing

Entertainment / Photography / Push Processing: Increasing the development time of a film to increase its effective speed. See pushing. MORE

Scalar Processing

Technology / Computers / Scalar Processing: A process that calculates numbers in sequence. MORE

Wide-Bit Stream Processing

Technology / Home Audio / Wide-Bit Stream Processing: This technology maintains 20-bit precision through the recording process, for clearer reproduction of delicate, low-level music. MORE