Entertainment / Photography / CP Filters: Abbreviation for color printing filters.
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Technology / Email / Filters: Filters automatically move incoming emails into separate folders according to criteria that you specify. These criteria may be based on who the email is from, the priority, the subject, the main messa MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Ecphrasis: (plural, ecphrases) A passage of literature or poetry in which the writer disrupts the narrative and writes a lengthy passage describing, representing, or 'translating' another type of art such as a p MORE
Business / Accounting / Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA): Legislation requiring any company that has publicly-traded stock to maintain records that accurately and fairly represent the company's transactions: additionally, requires any publicly-traded company MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Gelatin Filters: Filters cut from dyed gelatin sheets and held in front of the lens or studio light. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Habitat Conservation Plans (Hcps): Plans prepared under the Endangered Species Act, by nonfederal parties wishing to obtain permits for incidental taking of threatened and endangered species. The number of hcps has expanded enough in t MORE
Business / Agriculture / Great Plains Conservation Program (GPCP): This program, initiated in 1957, provided cost share and technical assistance to apply conservation on entire farms in 10 Great Plains states from the Dakotas and Montana to Texas and New Mexico. Cont MORE