
Technology / Email / Filters: Filters automatically move incoming emails into separate folders according to criteria that you specify. These criteria may be based on who the email is from, the priority, the subject, the main message, etc. This is a useful feature if you have a lot of incoming emails that need some way of being automatically organized.
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Contrast Filters

Entertainment / Photography / Contrast Filters: Filters used in black and white photography to darken or lighten the films rendition of particular colors in the subject. MORE

Gelatin Filters

Entertainment / Photography / Gelatin Filters: Filters cut from dyed gelatin sheets and held in front of the lens or studio light. MORE

Band-Limiting Filters

Technology / Home Audio / Band-Limiting Filters: A low-pass and a high-pass filter in series, acting together to restrict (limit) the overall bandwidth of a system. Many audio amplifiers and processors, having switches labeled as 'Rumble' or 'Hiss,' MORE