Entertainment / Literature / Thing: While the althing was the closest organization the Icelandic Vikings had to America's federal or nationwide government, the thing was the equivalent of the local or regional government (i.e., althings were huge gatherings dealing with matters affecting all of Iceland, while things were smaller, scattered gatherings dealing with matters affecting a town or community). At a thing, representatives from the local area gathered to vote on policy, hear complaints, settle disputes, and designate incorrigible individuals as outlaws.
Search Google for Thing:
Thing Verb Synonyms: fad, trend, fashion
Thing Adjective Synonyms: item, (inanimate) object, article, possession
Thing Noun Synonyms: device, item, gadget, object, entity, mechanism, contrivance, apparatus, instrument, utensil, dingus, doodad, whatchamacallit, thingumajig, whosis, whatsis, thingummy, thingumabob, gismo or gizmo
Health / First Aid / Rescue Breathing: Rescue breathing is often used as a compliment to chest compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Learn the full definition of rescue breathing. MORE