Discovery Space

Entertainment / Literature / Discovery Space: According to Stephen Greenblatt, this is 'A central opening or alcove concealed behind a curtain in the center of the frons scenae. The curtain could be drawn aside to 'discover' tableaux such as Portia's caskets, the body of Polonius, or the statue of Hermione. Shakespeare appears to have used this stage device only sparingly' (1139).
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Other Words for Discovery

Discovery Verb Synonyms: finding, recognition, uncovering, determining, ascertaining, unearthing, origination, invention, conception, idea, development
Discovery Noun Synonyms: exploration, disclosure, detection, revelation

Other Words for Space

Space Adjective Synonyms: spaciousness, room, place, expanse, elbow-room, leeway, margin, latitude, play
Space Noun Synonyms: interval, lapse, period, time, hiatus, lacuna, span, while, duration, extent, spell, stretch, pause, wait, intermission, gap, break, interruption
Space Verb Synonyms: accommodation, seat, berth, room, place

Positive Space

Lifestyle / Painting / Positive Space: The areas of an artwork that IS the primary subject or object. Positive Space defines the subjects outline. MORE

Price Discovery Process

Business / Finance / Price Discovery Process: The process of determining the prices of assets in the marketplace through the interactions of buyers and sellers. MORE

Shallow Space Blocking

Technology / Television (TV) / Shallow Space Blocking: A type of blocking associated with multiple-camera, studio set productions, where, due to the shallow sets, the actors mostly move side-to-side, rather than up-and-back. MORE