Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Feed: To make a pass that sets a teammate up for a shot.
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Feed Verb Synonyms: fodder, forage, pasturage, silage, food, provender
Feed Adjective Synonyms: provision, cater or provide (for), victual, purvey, provender, supply, maintain, nurture, nourish, board, support, sustain, wine and dine
Business / Agriculture / Breastfeeding Promotion: Relates to activities required to be carried out by state and local agencies using federal funds provided for nutrition education and administrative services under the WIC program. States are required MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Feed Reader: Software or website used to subscribe to feed update notifications. MORE
Science / Biology / Positive Feedback Control: Occurs when information produced by the feedback increases and accelerates the response. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Milk-Feed Price Ratio: A measure of the value of 16% protein ration (feed) to one pound of whole milk. As with the hog-corn ratio, this relationship is an indicator of the profitability of milk production. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Down Feed: A seldom used method of feeding work into milling cutters. The work is fed in the same direction as the portion of the cutter which comes in contact with it. MORE
Science / Biology / Filter Feeders: Organisms such as sponges that feed by removing food from water that filters through their body. MORE