Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Feed Reader: Software or website used to subscribe to feed update notifications.
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Feed Adjective Synonyms: provision, cater or provide (for), victual, purvey, provender, supply, maintain, nurture, nourish, board, support, sustain, wine and dine
Feed Verb Synonyms: fodder, forage, pasturage, silage, food, provender
Entertainment / Video Games / Force feedback: True force feedback is when a controller is engineered to provide powered resistance against the motions made by the player. For example, a steering wheel that simulates the feel of the road by resist MORE
Business / Agriculture / High Moisture Feed Grains: Corn and grain sorghum must have moisture content below CCC standards in order to qualify for marketing assistance loans. However, the FAIR Act of 1996 makes recourse loans available to producers of c MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Ideal Reader: The imaginary audience who would, ideally, understand every phrase, word, and allusion in a literary work, and who would completely understand the literary experience an author presents, and then resp MORE
Science / Biology / Ingestive Feeders: Animals that ingest food through a mouth. MORE
Science / Biology / Fluid Feeders: Animals such as aphids, ticks, and mosquitoes that pierce the body of a host plant or animal and obtain food from ingesting its fiuids. MORE
Science / Biology / Filter Feeders: Organisms such as sponges that feed by removing food from water that filters through their body. MORE