Entertainment / Baseball / Double Header: Two games played in immediate succession.
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Double Adjective Synonyms: folded or doubled or bent over, overlapped, two-ply
Double Verb Synonyms: twofold, paired, coupled, duplicate(d), doubled
Business / Finance / Double Up: A term used in technical analysis to refer to the rise of a stock's price, a drop, and then a rise back to the same level as the original rise. MORE
Business / Finance / Double Top: Government taxation of the same money twice; specifically, taxation of earnings at the corporate level and dividends at the stockholder level. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Double Tide: A double-headed tide, that is, a high water consisting of two maxima of nearly the same height separated by a relatively small depression, or a low water consisting of two minima separated by a relati MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Double Team: When two players from the same team move up to guard one offensive player it's called a double team. When two players cover an offensive player in a corner it's also known as a 'trap'. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Double Wing: A formation with 2 tight ends & 2 wingbacks in which the snap is tossed by the center between his legs to the quarterback or halfback moderately deep in the backfield. MORE
Business / Finance / Double Witching Day: A stock buying strategy that doubles the risk when the price moves in the opposite direction from the direcetion the investor hoped for. For example, an investor with confidence in ABC buys 1000 share MORE