Double Tide

Science / Tides and Currents / Double Tide: A double-headed tide, that is, a high water consisting of two maxima of nearly the same height separated by a relatively small depression, or a low water consisting of two minima separated by a relatively small elevation. Sometimes called an agger. See gulder.
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Other Words for Double

Double Adjective Synonyms: folded or doubled or bent over, overlapped, two-ply
Double Verb Synonyms: twofold, paired, coupled, duplicate(d), doubled

Stand Of Tide

Science / Tides and Currents / Stand Of Tide: Sometimes called a platform tide. An interval at high or low water when there is no sensible change in the height of the tide. The water level is stationary at high and low water for only an instant, MORE


Science / Chemistry / Nucleotide: A molecule which is a basic building block of nucleic acids and which plays a key role in energy transfer in biochemical reactions. Nucleotides consist of a five-carbon sugar, a heterocyclic nitrogen- MORE

Nucleotide Base

Science / Chemistry / Nucleotide Base: A heterocyclic nitrogen-containing base that is a constituent of nucleotides. Examples are adenine, guanine, thymine, uracil, and cytosine. MORE

Normal Tide

Science / Tides and Currents / Normal Tide: A nontechnical term synonymous with tide; i.e., the rise and fall of the ocean due to the gravitational interactions of the Sun, Moon, and Earth alone. Use of this term is discouraged. MORE

Nucleotide Sequences

Science / Biology / Nucleotide Sequences: The genetic code encrypted in the sequence of bases along a nucleic acid. MORE

Neap Tides Or Tidal Currents

Science / Tides and Currents / Neap Tides Or Tidal Currents: Tides of decreased range or tidal currents of decreased speed occurring semimonthly as the result of the Moon being in quadrature. The neap range (Np) of the tide is the average range occurring at the MORE