Organic Search Results

Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Organic Search Results: Most major search engines have results that consist of paid ads and unpaid listings. The unpaid / algorithmic listings are called the organic search results. Organic search results are organized by relevancy, which is largely determined based on linkage data, page content, usage data, and historical domain and trust related data. Most clicks on search results are on the organic search results. Some studies have shown that 60 to 80% + of clicks are on the organic search results.
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Other Words for Organic

Organic Noun Synonyms: living, natural, biological, biotic, animate, breathing
Organic Adjective Synonyms: organized, systematic, coherent, coordinated, integrated, structured, methodical, orderly, consistent

Other Words for Search

Search Verb Synonyms: researching, analysis, exploration, examination, scrutiny, probe, study, perusal, sifting, inspection, scouring, inquiry or enquiry
Search Adjective Synonyms: hunt, pursuit, quest

Search and Consent Procedures

Lifestyle / Adoption / Search and Consent Procedures: Procedures, sanctioned in state law, that authorize a public or private agency to assist a searching party to locate another party to the adoption to determine if the second party agrees to the releas MORE

Search Advertising

Business / Internet Marketing / Search Advertising: An advertiser pays for the chance to have their ad display when a user searches for a given keyword. These are usually text ads, which are displayed above or to the right of the algorithmic (organic) MORE


Lifestyle / Adoption / Search: An attempt, usually by birthparent, adopted person or adoptive parent (but sometimes by volunteers or paid consultants) to make a connection between the birthparent and the biological child. MORE