Business / Machine Shop / Sector: A device that has two radial, beveled arms which can be set to include any number of holes on the indexing plate of a dividing head to eliminate recounting the holes for each setting.
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Business / Finance / Intramarket Sector Spread: The spread between two issues of the same maturity within a market sector. For instance, the difference in interest rates offered for five-year industrial corporate bonds and five-year utility corpora MORE
Business / Finance / Intermarket Sector Spread: The spread between the interest rate offered in two sectors of the bond market for issues of the same maturity. MORE
Technology / Computers / Bad Sector: A sector on a disk or disk drive that cannot reliably store data because of a flaw in the media or damaged format markings. MORE
Business / Taxes / Sector Fund: Sector mutual funds, also called specialty or specialized funds, concentrate their investments in a single segment of an industry, such as biotechnology, natural resources, utilities, or regional bank MORE
Business / Debt / Public Sector Net Cash Requirement: Formerly known as Public Sector Borrowing Requirement (PSBR), PSNCR is the difference between the expenditure of the public sector and its income. Where there is a deficit it is financed by borrowing MORE
Technology / Radar / Shadow Sector: A sector on the radarscope in which the appearance of radar echoes is improbable because of an obstruction near the antenna. While both blind and shadow sectors have the same basic cause, blind sector MORE