Business / Machine Shop / Ram: That part of a shaper which moves back and forth and carries the tool head assembly.
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Ram Noun Synonyms: jam, force, drive, cram, crowd, pack, compress, stuff, squeeze, thrust, tamp, pound, hammer
Ram Verb Synonyms: butt, bump, strike, hit, collide with, dash, crash, slam
Science / Geology / Foraminiferal Ooze: A calcareous sediment composed of the shells of dead Foraminifera. MORE
Business / Construction / Framer: The carpenter contractor that installs the lumber and erects the frame, flooring system, interior walls, backing, trusses, rafters, decking, installs all beams, stairs, soffits and all work related to MORE
Business / Agriculture / Dairy Promotion Program: The Dairy Production Stabilization Act of 1983 authorized a national producer program for dairy product promotion, research, and nutrition education as part of a comprehensive strategy to increase hum MORE
Business / Agriculture / Dairy Diversion Program: A voluntary supply control program authorized by the Dairy Production Stabilization Act of 1983, under which producers in 1984-85 received payments, of $10 per cwt., for reducing their milk marketings MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Open Frame: A frame in which the bowler doesn't get a strike or a spare. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Supply Control Programs: Any of several government programs to influence the supply of farm products on the market. Some, such as acreage allotments and marketing quotas, are considered mandatory, in that farmers who produce MORE