
Business / Machine Shop / Hob: A cylindrical cutting tool shaped like a worm thread and used in industry to cut gears.
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Science / Biology / Hydrophobic: Water-fearing.Term applied to nonpolar molecules that cannot bond with water. MORE


Science / Spiders / Trichobothrium: (pl. trichobothria) A long, fine hair rising almost vertically from a socket on the leg. Trichobothria detect air vibrations and currents. MORE


Business / Machine Shop / Hobbing: The operation of cutting gears with a hob. MORE


Science / Psychiatry / Agoraphobia: literally a fear of the market place. Generally high levels of anxiety and phobic symptoms. May include a fear of crowds, open and closed spaces and travelling by public transport MORE


Science / Psychiatry / Counterphobia: Deliberately seeking out and exposing onself to, rather than avoiding, the object or situation that is consciously or unconsciously feared. MORE


Science / Psychiatry / Phobia: persistent irrational fear of an activity or object. This leads to avoidance. The fear is out of proportion of the reality of the threat MORE