Business / Machine Shop / Bore: To enlarge and finish the surface of a cylindrical hole by the action of a rotating boring bar (cutting tool) or by the action of a stationary tool pressed (fed) against the surface as the part is rotated.
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Bore Verb Synonyms: pierce, perforate, drill, penetrate, puncture, tap, punch, stab, prick, sink, tunnel, dig (out), gouge (out), hollow out
Bore Noun Synonyms: hole, drill-hole, borehole
Science / Tides and Currents / Tidal Bore: A tidal wave that propagates up a relatively shallow and sloping estuary or river with a steep wave front. The leading edge presents an abrupt rise in level, frequently with continuous breaking and of MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Boreal: Pertaining to the Northern Hemisphere, north temperate zone MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Counterbore: To enlarge the top part of a hole to a specific size, as for the head of a sockethead or cap-screw. Also, the tool that is used. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Pilot: A guide at the end of a counterbore which keeps it aligned with the hole. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Spring Diatom Increase: The major rapid population increase of diatoms, occurring in the spring in temperate-boreal latitudes MORE