
Business / Machine Shop / Bore: To enlarge and finish the surface of a cylindrical hole by the action of a rotating boring bar (cutting tool) or by the action of a stationary tool pressed (fed) against the surface as the part is rotated.
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Other Words for Bore

Bore Verb Synonyms: pierce, perforate, drill, penetrate, puncture, tap, punch, stab, prick, sink, tunnel, dig (out), gouge (out), hollow out
Bore Noun Synonyms: hole, drill-hole, borehole

Tidal Bore

Science / Tides and Currents / Tidal Bore: A tidal wave that propagates up a relatively shallow and sloping estuary or river with a steep wave front. The leading edge presents an abrupt rise in level, frequently with continuous breaking and of MORE


Science / Marine Biology / Boreal: Pertaining to the Northern Hemisphere, north temperate zone MORE


Business / Machine Shop / Counterbore: To enlarge the top part of a hole to a specific size, as for the head of a sockethead or cap-screw. Also, the tool that is used. MORE


Business / Machine Shop / Pilot: A guide at the end of a counterbore which keeps it aligned with the hole. MORE

Spring Diatom Increase

Science / Marine Biology / Spring Diatom Increase: The major rapid population increase of diatoms, occurring in the spring in temperate-boreal latitudes MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Serf: A medieval peasant tied to a specific plot of land in the feudal system of government. He was allowed to work this land in exchange for services to his lord. In the early medieval period, probably 90% MORE