Public Ownership

Business / Finance / Public Ownership: The portion of a company's stock that is held by the public.
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Other Words for Public

Public Noun Synonyms: communal, community, common, general, collective, universal, catholic, popular, worldwide
Public Adjective Synonyms: open, manifest, exposed, overt, projected, plain, obvious, apparent, patent, clear, clear-cut, acknowledged, known, admitted, visible, viewable, conspicuous

Public Ownership

Business / Finance / Public Ownership: The portion of a company's stock that is held by the public. MORE

Public Offering Price

Business / Finance / Public Offering Price: The price of a new issue of securities at the time that the issue is offered to the public. MORE

Public Offering

Business / Finance / Public Offering: Used in the context of general equities. Offering to the investment public, after compliance with registration requirements of the SEC, usually by an investment banker or a syndicate made up of severa MORE

Public Policy

Science / Genetics / Public Policy: A set of action guidelines or rules that result from the actions or lack of actions of governmental entities. MORE

Public Rangelands Improvement Act Of 1978 (PRIA)

Business / Agriculture / Public Rangelands Improvement Act Of 1978 (PRIA): P.L. 95-514 (October 25, 1978) defines the current grazing fee formula and establishes rangeland monitoring and inventory procedures for Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service rangelands. The Na MORE

Public Sector Net Cash Requirement

Business / Debt / Public Sector Net Cash Requirement: Formerly known as Public Sector Borrowing Requirement (PSBR), PSNCR is the difference between the expenditure of the public sector and its income. Where there is a deficit it is financed by borrowing MORE