Business / Finance / Public Ownership: The portion of a company's stock that is held by the public.
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Public Noun Synonyms: communal, community, common, general, collective, universal, catholic, popular, worldwide
Public Adjective Synonyms: open, manifest, exposed, overt, projected, plain, obvious, apparent, patent, clear, clear-cut, acknowledged, known, admitted, visible, viewable, conspicuous
Business / Finance / Public Ownership: The portion of a company's stock that is held by the public. MORE
Business / Finance / Public Offering Price: The price of a new issue of securities at the time that the issue is offered to the public. MORE
Business / Finance / Public Offering: Used in the context of general equities. Offering to the investment public, after compliance with registration requirements of the SEC, usually by an investment banker or a syndicate made up of severa MORE
Science / Genetics / Public Policy: A set of action guidelines or rules that result from the actions or lack of actions of governmental entities. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Public Rangelands Improvement Act Of 1978 (PRIA): P.L. 95-514 (October 25, 1978) defines the current grazing fee formula and establishes rangeland monitoring and inventory procedures for Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service rangelands. The Na MORE
Business / Debt / Public Sector Net Cash Requirement: Formerly known as Public Sector Borrowing Requirement (PSBR), PSNCR is the difference between the expenditure of the public sector and its income. Where there is a deficit it is financed by borrowing MORE