Business / Finance / Profit Taking: Action by short-term securities traders to cash in on gains created by a sharp market rise, which pushes prices down temporarily but implies an upward market trend. See: Ring the [cash] register.
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Profit Noun Synonyms: advantage, avail, good, benefit, welfare, gain, value, interest,efulness, literary behoof
Profit Verb Synonyms: advance, further, be of profit to, benefit, promote, aid, help, be advantageous or of advantage, serve, avail, improve
Taking Noun Synonyms: attractive, alluring, engaging, captivating, winning, winsome, charming, entrancing, enchanting, bewitching, fetching, fascinating, delightful, irresistible, compelling, intriguing, prepossessing
Business / Finance / Profit-Sharing Plan: An incentive system providing that employees share in company profits through a cash fund or a deferred plan used to buy stock or bonds. MORE
Business / Finance / Profit Taking: Action by short-term securities traders to cash in on gains created by a sharp market rise, which pushes prices down temporarily but implies an upward market trend. See: Ring the [cash] register. MORE
Business / Accounting / Profitability: A company's ability to generate revenues in excess of the costs incurred in producing those revenues. MORE
Business / Finance / Profitability Index: The present value of the future cash flows divided by the initial investment. Also called the benefit-cost ratio. MORE
Business / Finance / Profitability Ratios: Ratios that focus on how well a firm is performing. Profit margins measure performance with relation to sales. Rate of return ratios measure performance relative to some measure of size of the investm MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Profit Sharing Plan: A qualified retirement plan established and maintained by an employer which enables employees and their beneficiaries to participate in the profits of the employer's business. MORE