Business / Finance / Parallel Shift In The Yield Curve: A shift in economic conditions in which the change in the interest rate on all maturities is the same number of basis points. In other words, if the three month T-bill increases 100 basis points (one %), then the 6-month, 1-year, 5-year, 10-year, 20-year, and 30-year rates all increase by 100 basis points as well. Related: Non-parallel shift in the yield curve.
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Parallel Noun Synonyms: analogue, match, homologue, equivalent, complement, counterpart, equal, coequal
Parallel Adjective Synonyms: similar, corresponding, congruent, analogous, analogic(al), correspondent, like, matching, homologous, coordinate, equivalent, coequal, proportional, proportionate, pari passu, mutatis mutandis, in proportion, uniform, contemporary or cotemporary
Shift Noun Synonyms: move, change position, edge, budge, relocate, rearrange, transpose, switch
Shift Verb Synonyms: sell, market, move
The Adjective Synonyms: drama, the stage, dramaturgy, dramatic or Thespian or histrionic art(s), the boards, show business, showbiz
Yield Adverb Synonyms: surrender, give up (the fight or struggle), give in, knuckle under, submit, cede, cry quits, throw in the towel or the sponge, capitulate, succumb, raise the white flag
Yield Conjunction Synonyms: return, production, output, revenue, takings, gate, earnings, income, proceeds, profit, gain
Business / Finance / Nonparallel Shift In The Yield Curve: A shift in the yield curve in which yields do not change by the same number of basis points for every maturity. Related: Parallel shift in the yield curve. MORE
Business / Finance / Butterfly Shift: A nonparallel shift in the yield curve involving the height of the curve. MORE
Science / Biology / Parasympathetic System: The subdivision of the autonomic nervous system that reverses the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. Part of the autonomic nervous system that controls heartbeat, respiration and other vital f MORE