National Association Of Investors Corporation

Business / Finance / National Association Of Investors Corporation: A Michigan-based association that helps groups establish investment clubs.
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Other Words for Association

Association Noun Synonyms: society, organization, confederation, confederacy, federation, league, union, alliance, guild, coalition, group, syndicate, combine, consortium, cooperative

Other Words for National

National Noun Synonyms: nationalistic, nationalist, patriotic, jingoistic, chauvinistic
National Adjective Synonyms: nationwide, country-wide, state, governmental, civil, public, popular, federal

Original Book Of Entry

Business / Accounting / Original Book Of Entry: A book which contains the details of the day to day transactions of a business (see Journal ). MORE

Organizational Profile

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Organizational Profile: An organizational profile is a depiction of the staffing pattern within an establishment. It is one method contractors use to determine whether barriers to equal employment opportunity exist in their MORE

Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Business / Finance / Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC): A cartel of oil-producing countries. MORE

Organic Coffee

Lifestyle / Coffee / Organic Coffee: Coffee that has been certified by a third-party agency as having been grown and processed without the use of pesticides, herbicides, or similar chemicals. MORE

Orphan (international adoption definition)

Lifestyle / Adoption / Orphan (international adoption definition): For immigration purposes, a child under the age of 16: ?€? whose parents have died or disappeared ?€? who has been abandoned or otherwise separated from both parents ?€? whose sole surviving par MORE

Out Of Africa Hypothesis

Science / Biology / Out Of Africa Hypothesis: Holds that modern human populations (Homo sapiens) are all derived from a single speciation event that took place in a restricted region in Africa. MORE