Business / Finance / National Association Of Investors Corporation: A Michigan-based association that helps groups establish investment clubs.
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Association Noun Synonyms: society, organization, confederation, confederacy, federation, league, union, alliance, guild, coalition, group, syndicate, combine, consortium, cooperative
National Noun Synonyms: nationalistic, nationalist, patriotic, jingoistic, chauvinistic
National Adjective Synonyms: nationwide, country-wide, state, governmental, civil, public, popular, federal
Business / Accounting / Original Book Of Entry: A book which contains the details of the day to day transactions of a business (see Journal ). MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Organizational Profile: An organizational profile is a depiction of the staffing pattern within an establishment. It is one method contractors use to determine whether barriers to equal employment opportunity exist in their MORE
Business / Finance / Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC): A cartel of oil-producing countries. MORE
Lifestyle / Coffee / Organic Coffee: Coffee that has been certified by a third-party agency as having been grown and processed without the use of pesticides, herbicides, or similar chemicals. MORE
Lifestyle / Adoption / Orphan (international adoption definition): For immigration purposes, a child under the age of 16: ?€? whose parents have died or disappeared ?€? who has been abandoned or otherwise separated from both parents ?€? whose sole surviving par MORE
Science / Biology / Out Of Africa Hypothesis: Holds that modern human populations (Homo sapiens) are all derived from a single speciation event that took place in a restricted region in Africa. MORE