Business / Finance / Mortgage Interest Deduction: A federal tax deduction for interest paid on a mortgage used to acquire, construct, or improve a residence.
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Deduction Verb Synonyms: subtraction, diminution, decrease, reduction, withdrawal, removal, abstraction
Deduction Noun Synonyms: conclusion, inference, finding, reasoning, result
Interest Noun Synonyms: attention, attentiveness, concern, regard, curiosity, scrutiny, notice, engagement
Interest Adjective Synonyms: concern, significance, importance, weight, moment, note, consequence
Business / Finance / Mortgage Servicing: The collection of monthly payments and penalties, record keeping, payment of insurance and taxes, and possible settlement of default, involved with a mortgage loan. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Mortgage Revenue Bonds: A type of tax-exempt industrial development bond offered by state and local governments through their housing financing agencies. MORE
Business / Finance / Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS): Investment instruments backed by a pool of mortgage loans. MORE
Business / Finance / Mortgage-Backed Securities Clearing Corporation (MBSCC): A wholly owned subsidiary of the Midwest Stock Exchange that operates a clearing service for the comparison, netting, and margining of agency-guaranteed MBS transacted for forward delivery. MORE
Business / Taxes / Mortgage-Backed Security: Mortgage-backed securities are created when the sponsor buys up mortgages from lenders, pools them, and packages them for sale to the public, a process known as securitization. The securities are avai MORE
Business / Finance / Mortgage REIT: An REIT that invests in loans secured by real estate that derives income from mortgage interest and fees. MORE