Business / Finance / Fair-And-Equitable Test: In the context of futures, the equilibrium price for futures contracts. Also called the theoretical futures price, which equals the spot price continuously compounded at the cost of carry rate for some time interval. More generally, fair value for any asset simply refers to the perception that it is neither underpriced (too cheap) nor overpriced (too expensive).
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Test Noun Synonyms: trial, examination, exam, proof, evaluation, assay, check, check-up, investigation, study, analysis
Business / Finance / Proxy Contest: A battle for the control of a firm in which a dissident group seeks, from the firm's other shareholders, the right to vote those shareholders' shares in favor of the dissident group's slate of directo MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Projective Tests: Psychological diagnostic tests in which the test material is unstructured so that any response will reflect a projection of some aspect of the subjects underlying personality and psychopathology MORE
Science / Biology / Prenatal Testing: Testing to detect the presence of a genetic disorder in an embryo or fetus; commonly done by amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling. MORE