Business / Debt / Money Adviser: Someone who is trained to offer advice both on debt and on increasing your income. A money adviser can help you work out what your options are and, where needed, negotiate affordable payments and set up repayment plans with your creditors.
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Adviser Noun Synonyms: counselor, mentor, guide, cicerone, counsel, consultant, confidante
Money Adjective Synonyms: resources, wealth, fortune, funds, capital, wherewithal, affluence, means, (liquid) assets, riches, bundle
Money Noun Synonyms: currency, legal tender, medium of exchange, specie, (hard) cash, ready money, banknotes, paper money, notes, bills, coin(s), change, small change, (filthy) lucre, pelf, shekels, lolly, readies, folding money, cold (hard)
Business / Debt / DAS Approved Money Adviser: A DAS approved money adviser is a general money adviser who has received further training (and been approved by the DAS administrator) to act on behalf of the debtor to negotiate a debt payment progra MORE
Business / Finance / New Money: In a Treasury auction, the amount by which the par value of the securities offered exceeds that of those maturing. MORE
Business / Finance / Near Money: Assets that are easily convertible into cash, such as money market accounts and bank deposits. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Nonmoney Income: A statistical allowance used in farm income compilations to credit farmers with income for the value of farm products used on the farm (instead of being sold for cash) and the rental value of farm dwe MORE
Business / Accounting / Money Wire (Transfer): The process of moving money from one bank to another, sometimes between countries. MORE
Business / Finance / On The Money: Used in the context of general equities. In-line, or at the same price, as the last sale. MORE