Business / Debt / Joint Liability: The legal liability of two or more people for claims against or debts incurred by them jointly. If three people have joint liability and are indebted to another party, they may only be sued as a group and not individually.
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Joint Verb Synonyms: seam, union, juncture, connection, junction, intersection
Joint Noun Synonyms: roast
Liability Adjective Synonyms: disadvantage, drawback, hindrance, impediment, encumbrance, snag, hitch, barrier, obstacle, obstruction, burden, onus
Liability Noun Synonyms: answerability, responsibility, burden, onus, accountability
Business / Finance / Severally But Not Jointly: An agreement between members of an underwriting group buy a new issue (severally), but not to assume joint liability for shares left unsold by other members. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Liability Coverage: Insurance coverage for injuries or losses sustained by the public when on an individuals property. MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Jpeg (Joint Photographic Experts Group): JPEG (pronounced 'jay peg') is a graphics format newer than GIF which displays photographs and graphic images with millions of colors, it also compresses well and is easy to download. Unfortunately, n MORE
Business / Finance / Liability Funding Strategies: Investment strategies that select assets so that cash flows will equal or exceed the client's obligations. MORE
Business / Debt / Liability Insurance: Insurance against legal liability to pay compensation and court costs where the insured has been found negligent in respect of injuries sustained by another person or damage to his/her property. MORE