Triple Base Plan

Business / Agriculture / Triple Base Plan: Also called the flexible base plan. A proposal under which farmers who raise program crops would receive program payments only on a certain percentage of their permitted acreage. A producer participating in a federal price support program actually would have three categories of base acres for program purposes: 1) permitted acres on which deficiency payments would be made: 2) permitted acres on which no federal payments would be made, but could be planted to other crops, either specified or unspecified: 3) idled acres (those required to be set aside under acreage reduction rules) where no crops other than those for conservation could be planted. Triple base is another name for what came to be known as normal flex acres. Production flexibility contracts now have eliminated the linkage between payments and actual plantings.
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Other Words for Base

Base Noun Synonyms: bottom, foot, support, stand, pedestal
Base Adjective Synonyms: low, undignified, cowardly, selfish, mean, despicable, contemptible, filthy, evil
Base Verb Synonyms: establish, found, secure, build, ground, anchor, fix, hinge, form, derive, draw

Other Words for Plan

Plan Noun Synonyms: design, layout, blueprint, scheme, method, procedure, system, arrangement, programme, project, formula, pattern, script, scenario

Plant Quarantine

Business / Agriculture / Plant Quarantine: A technique for insuring disease (and pest) free plants by isolating them during a period while performing tests for latent diseases. Often used when importing new cultivars. MORE

Plant Quarantine Act

Business / Agriculture / Plant Quarantine Act: Originally enacted in 1912, this Act gives the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service authority to regulate the importation and interstate movement of nursery stock and other plants that may carry MORE

Plant Hardiness Zones

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