Business / Agriculture / Threshold: The lowest non-zero dose of a chemical at which a specified measurable effect occurs. Sometimes used to refer to the income level above which an applicant for food stamp benefits would be ineligible.
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Threshold Verb Synonyms: sill, door-sill, doorstep, doorway, entrance
Business / Real Estate / Threshold Notification: Notification by brokers that they have met the threshold requirements for filing status and fiscal year reports on trust fund activities. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Poverty Thresholds: For statistical purposes (e.g., counting the poor population), the Census Bureau uses a set of annual income levels - the poverty thresholds - slightly different than the federal poverty guidelines. A MORE
Health / Fitness / Anaerobic Threshold: The point at which your body switches from using oxygen as its primary source of energy to using stored sugar. When you?€™re in poor physical shape, you hit your anaerobic threshold while exercisi MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Payment Threshold: The minimum accumulated commission an affiliate must earn to trigger payment from an affiliate program. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Noise Gate: An expander with a fixed 'infinite' downward expansion ratio. Used extensively for controlling unwanted noise, such as preventing 'open' microphones and 'hot' instrument pick-ups from introducing extr MORE