Business / Agriculture / Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Act Of 1983 (TEFAA): P.L. 98-8 (March 24, 1983) was a supplemental appropriations act for FY1983 that among other things explicitly authorized a discretionary commodity donation effort begun in 1981 by the USDA. The initial effort was limited to disposal of excess commodities held by the Commodity Credit Corporation by donating them to states. This law also authorized funding to help states and local emergency feeding organizations with the storage and distribution costs of handling the commodities. This is the origin of the current Emergency Food Assistance Act of 1983 (P.L. 98-92) as amended.
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Act Verb Synonyms: behave (oneself), carry on, deport oneself, comport oneself, conduct oneself
Act Noun Synonyms: deed, action, undertaking, operation, step, move, feat, exploit, accomplishment, achievement
Assistance Noun Synonyms: help, aid, support, succor, backing, reinforcement, relief, benefit
Emergency Noun Synonyms: crisis, exigency, danger, predicament, difficulty, pinch
Food Verb Synonyms: nourishment, nutriment, aliment, sustenance, subsistence, foodstuffs, edibles, eatables, viands, bread, victuals, rations, provisions, comestibles, commons, grub, eats, chow, scoff, prog
Temporary Noun Synonyms: impermanent, makeshift, stopgap, stand-by, provisional, pro tem, transitory, transient, fleeting, fugitive, passing, ephemeral, temporal, evanescent, short-lived, momentary
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