Marketing Quotas (Or Allotments)

Business / Agriculture / Marketing Quotas (Or Allotments): Authorized by the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, these quotas (sometimes called poundage quotas) limit marketings of certain commodities. The marketing quota, which must be approved by at least two-thirds of the eligible producers voting in a referendum, is intended to ensure an adequate and normal supply of the commodity, and ensure that production and supplies are not excessive. Growers who market in excess of their quotas pay penalties on the 'excess' and are ineligible for government price-support loans. Quotas have been suspended for wheat, feed grains, and cotton since the 1960s. Rice quotas were abolished in 1981. Marketing quotas still are used in conjunction with the tobacco program and the peanut program. The authority for standby marketing allotments for domestically produced sugar and crystalline fructose mandated by the FACT Act of 1990 was eliminated by the FAIR Act of 1996.
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Paper Profit (Or Loss)

Business / Taxes / Paper Profit (Or Loss): If you own an asset that increases in value, any increase in value is a paper profit, or unrealized gain. If you sell the asset for more than you paid to buy it, your paper profit becomes an actual pr MORE

P.L. 480 (Or Public Law 480)

Business / Agriculture / P.L. 480 (Or Public Law 480): P.L. 83-480 (July 10, 1954), also called Food for Peace, is the common name for food aid programs established by the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, which seeks to expand fo MORE

Ote (Organisation For Timeshare In Europe)

Lifestyle / Time Shares / Ote (Organisation For Timeshare In Europe): A trade association in Europe composed of resort owners and developers. The OTE is similar to ARDA, but with more of an emphasis on consumer affairs. MORE