Business / Agriculture / Grazing Permit-License-Lease: Official written permission to graze a specific number, kind, and class of livestock for a specified time period on defined federal rangeland.
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Business / Agriculture / Haying And Grazing Rules: Under previous commodity support law, farmers were permitted, for limited time periods (usually during droughts) and under specific circumstances, to harvest hay or graze cattle on land idled under ac MORE
Business / Agriculture / Rotational (Intensive) Grazing: Pasturing system that allows short periods of heavy use, followed by a recovery period: it allows the forage to be used more fully and effectively. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Taylor Grazing Act Of 1934 (TGA): P.L. 73-482 (June 28, 1934) provides for the regulation of grazing on the public lands (excluding Alaska) to improve rangeland conditions and stabilize the western livestock industry. The law initiall MORE
Business / Agriculture / Grazing Privilege: The benefit or advantage enjoyed by a person or company beyond the common advantage of other citizens to graze livestock on federal lands. Privilege may be created by permit, license, lease, or agreem MORE
Business / Agriculture / Grazing Preference: The status of qualified holders of grazing permits acquired by grant, prior use, or purchase, that entitles them to special consideration over applicants who have not acquired preference. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Grazing Fee: A charge, usually on a monthly basis, for grazing a specific kind of livestock. For federal lands, the grazing fee is based on a formula found in the Public Rangelands Improvement Act (PRIA). The fede MORE