Business / Agriculture / GSM-102 Intermediate-Term Export Credit Guarantee Program.: An Export Credit Guarantee Program that covers credit terms up to 3 years. The program underwrites credit extended by the private banking sector to approved foreign banks using dollar-denominated, irrevocable letters of credit to pay for U.S.-grown food and agricultural products sold to foreign buyers. The CCC guarantee typically covers 98% of principal and a portion of interest.
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Credit Verb Synonyms: ascribe, acknowledge, attribute, assign, impute
Credit Noun Synonyms: belief, faith, trust, credence
Guarantee Adjective Synonyms: guaranty, warranty, assurance, pledge, bond, obligation, promise, word (of honor), oath, undertaking
Business / Finance / Guaranteed Investment Contract (GIC): A contract promising a stated nominal interest rate over some specific time period, usually several years. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Guaranteed Issue: An insurance policy provision under which all eligible persons who apply for insurance coverage and who meet certain conditions are automatically issued an insurance policy. MORE
Business / Loan / Guaranteed Loan: A pledge to cover the payment of debt or to perform some obligation if the person liable fails to perform. When a third party guarantees a loan, it promises to pay in the event of a default by the bor MORE