Business / Agriculture / Free On Board (FOB): Indicates that the seller assumes all responsibilities and costs up to the specific point or stage of delivery named including transportation, packing, insuring, etc. A wide variety of f.o.b. Terms is used, such as f.o.b. Factor Detroit, f.o.b. Cars New York, f.o.b. Ship Norfolk. 'Free on board vessel,' under most P.L. 480 grain contracts, means delivery at the discharge end of the loading spout.
Search Google for Free On Board (FOB):
Board Noun Synonyms: plank, scantling, timber
Board Verb Synonyms: go aboard, ship aboard, enter, embark on
Free Adverb Synonyms: set free, set at liberty, enfranchise, release, let go, liberate, let out, let loose, unloose, unchain, unfetter, uncage, emancipate, disenthrall, manumit, pardon, parole, furlough
Free Verb Synonyms: relieve, rid, unburden, disburden, disencumber, unbosom, rescue, redeem
Free Adjective Synonyms: liberated, at large, let go, let off, emancipated, delivered, manumitted, set free, unshackled, unfettered, released, freed, loose, out, sprung, on the loose
Free Noun Synonyms: at liberty, unfettered, unchained, unshackled, unconfined, untrammelled, unencumbered, unrestrained, unrestricted, unconstrained, uncontrolled, free-born, independent, self-governing, self-governed, self-ruling, autonomous, democratic, sovereign
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Entertainment / Ice Hockey / One Man Back: Descriptive of the situation in which a team has only one defenseman between the goaltender and the attackers, usually because the other defenseman has been caught up ice. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / One In The Dark: Same as barmaid. MORE