Federal Meat Inspection Act Of 1906

Business / Agriculture / Federal Meat Inspection Act Of 1906: Enacted June 30, 1906, as chapter 3913, 34 Stat. 674, and substantially amended by the Wholesome Meat Act 1967 (P.L. 90-201), requires USDA to inspect all cattle, sheep, swine, goats, and horses when slaughtered and processed into products for human consumption. The primary goals of the law are to prevent adulterated or misbranded livestock and products from being sold as food, and to ensure that meat and meat products are slaughtered and processed under sanitary conditions. These requirements apply to animals and their products produced and sold within states as well as to imports, which must be inspected under equivalent foreign standards. The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for all meats considered 'exotic' at this time, including venison and buffalo.
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Other Words for Act

Act Verb Synonyms: behave (oneself), carry on, deport oneself, comport oneself, conduct oneself
Act Noun Synonyms: deed, action, undertaking, operation, step, move, feat, exploit, accomplishment, achievement

Other Words for Meat

Meat Noun Synonyms: flesh, food, nourishment, sustenance, viands, victuals, nutriment, provisions, provender, comestibles, edibles, eatables, eats, chow, grub

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