Farm Service Agency (FSA)

Business / Agriculture / Farm Service Agency (FSA): One result of the 1994 legislative reorganization of USDA was the consolidation of the ASCS, FCIC and fmha into a single agency, the FSA. This agency is responsible for administering farm income-support programs, conservation cost-sharing programs, noninsured crop assistance (NAP), and the former fmha farm loan programs. FSA services are provided through field service centers located throughout the agricultural areas of the nation.
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Other Words for Agency

Agency Noun Synonyms: means, medium, instrumentality, intervention, intercession, action, intermediation, operation, mechanism, force, power, activity, working(s), energy

Other Words for Farm

Farm Interjectionection Synonyms: farmstead, farmhouse, grange, homestead, holding, land, farmland, acreage, arable, steading, smallholding, allotment, farm-toun, croft
Farm Noun Synonyms: cultivate, work the land, till the soil

Other Words for Service

Service Noun Synonyms: assignment, post, appointment, secondment
Service Verb Synonyms: help, assistance, aid,efulness, utility, benefit, advantage

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