Agency Noun Synonyms
means, medium, instrumentality, intervention, intercession, action, intermediation, operation, mechanism, force, power, activity, working(s), energy
Pollen is carried from flower to flower by the agency of certain insects.
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Business / Real Estate / Ostensible Agency: A form of implied agency relationship created by the actions of the parties involved rather than by written agreement or document. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Agency For International Development (AID Or USAID): An independent agency of the executive branch, established in 1961, that administers U.S. international development and humanitarian assistance programs. The activities often involve joint efforts wit MORE
Business / Agriculture / Field Service Agency: Generally refers to any one of the following USDA agencies that administer programs and provide services to farmers and other rural residents through an extensive network of state and local offices: t MORE
Business / Real Estate / Dual Agency: An agency relationship in which the agent acts concurrently for both principals in a real estate transaction. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Express Agency: A stated (written or verbal) agency agreement. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Farm Service Agency (FSA): One result of the 1994 legislative reorganization of USDA was the consolidation of the ASCS, FCIC and fmha into a single agency, the FSA. This agency is responsible for administering farm income-suppo MORE