Business / Agriculture / Farm: As defined for purposes of the Census of Agriculture since 1978, a farm is any place that has, or has the potential to produce, $1,000 or more in annual gross sales of farm products. According to the 1992 Census of Agriculture, there are about 1.925 million farms in the United States. This number includes all farm sizes and ownership structures, including corporate farms, partnerships, and family farms.
Search Google for Farm:
Farm Noun Synonyms: cultivate, work the land, till the soil
Farm Interjectionection Synonyms: farmstead, farmhouse, grange, homestead, holding, land, farmland, acreage, arable, steading, smallholding, allotment, farm-toun, croft
Business / Agriculture / Net Farm Income: The return (both monetary and non-monetary) to farm operators for their labor, management and capital, after all production expenses have been paid (that is, gross farm income minus production expense MORE
Business / Agriculture / Farmers Market Nutrition Program: Authorized through FY2003 under Section 17 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, this program provides funding for grants to selected states that develop programs promoting the use of farmers markets by MORE
Business / Agriculture / Farmer-Owned Grain Reserve (FOR): A program, established under the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977, designed to buffer sharp price movements and to provide reserves against production shortfalls by allowing wheat and feed grain farme MORE